Tuesday, March 29, 2011

When it Rains, it Floods...

HIYA!  So, today began yet another 800 calorie day for me.  This is something that I am not yet used to.  I am really OK during the day at work, but by the time I get home I feel like the Chris Farley Gap Girl character on SNL:  "I'm STAAAAAAARVING"!

I have discovered that 800 calories of liquid is almost impossible.  I need to chew.  I have supplemented my shakes with one small (I mean a cup of food) meal in the evening.  I am staying within my calorie restrictions, as promised, but I am also feeding that little person in me who so desperately wants to chew something.  OK, so that person is a big person, but I digress.  My surgeon told me at our pre-admission meeting that he didn't care WHAT I ate for the next two weeks, so long as I lose 5 to 10 pounds pre-surgery.  I think this is a valid change in diet, because, as I said, I am still well within my calorie restrictions, and I am not the mama bear I feel like without food.

In other news, today my monthly friend came to visit.  In some ways, I am thankful that it is now, and that I will not be menstruating during surgery, because let's face it - MORTIFIED would be a mild description of my feelings should I have some sort of overflow/spill incident on the table.  In other ways, this sucks, because when I have my period, my body physically craves/hungers for red meat, chocolate, and salt.  I mean, it's like an addict seeking a drug.  This is not going to be an easy 5 days.  Please, pray for me, and all of those around me.  They'll need it.

God bless and keep you all!

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