Friday, April 22, 2011

Update - Long Overdue

Hello, everyone.  I apologize for the amount of time between updates.  It's been a busy week, and a sad one for us.  A dear friend lost a close family member suddenly, and we've been dedicating our time, energy, love, and prayers to them all week.

Right to the update.  I have moved into the Phase III diet, and I am VERY excited about mashed potatoes and ground up meat.  Never thought I'd say THAT!

Here's what I can eat for the next two weeks:

Puree/Baby Food Consistency - Weeks 3 and 4

Continue with the fluids from the previous two weeks, and add the following:

Scrambled eggs, pureed tuna, poultry, fish, veal, beef, and mashed tofu (ICK)
Light/nonfat yogurt, non-fat cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, 1% milk
Any vegetable, cooked until soft and pureed
Unsweetened apple sauce, mashed bananas, pureed fruits sans peels
Oatmeal, cream of wheat, grits, mashed potatoes
Soups blended and strained, sugar free pudding, custard, or frozen yogurt

SO yummy!!!  I've lost two pounds since last week's weigh-in, bringing my grand total to 28 from my pre-op diet and 30 altogether.  YAY, ME!

I'd like to take this moment to wish you all a happy Easter, and to remember what was sacrificed for us when Jesus died on the cross and rose again.  Be good to one another!

Until next time, God bless and keep you all.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One Week Post-Op

HEY!!! I'm back, lol. Today was my one-week checkup post-op.  Dr. Dalall said I am a bit dehydrated, and suggested drinking even more water.  He also took all of the dressings off of my incisions and told me that they look great.  I scheduled an appointment in 3 weeks for my first fill.

I also got clearance to begin my Phase II diet.  That diet includes the following items:

Nonfat Milk
Plain or Blended Yogurt
Blended Soup/Cream Soup
Sugar Free pudding
Fat Free Cottage Cheese
Grits (KISS MY!)
Rice Cereal
2-3 Protein Shakes per day

Never in my life was I so excited to see a container of Chobani!  It was delicious!  

The doctor also told me that I should wait to travel by airplane.  This is really disappointing to me because one of my best friends is getting married in May.  I had planned to be there, but my six-weeks post-op fly date doesn't make the cut.  I considered flying anyway, but I know that it would be stupid to do so.  I am doing this for my health, so endangering my health first thing is kind of counter-productive.

Oh, the best part of today's trip to the doctor???  The weigh-in!  I weighed in at 305.6 pounds!!!  My first reaction was to ask if the scale was right.  I weighed myself at home just before we went, and I was 310.2.  The doctor told me that "this scale cost a lot of money and is calibrated every day.  Your scale is wrong."  YAY!  My scale is wrong!

Here is my most recent picture - 1 week post-op:

Total weight lost:  24.6 pounds from the start of my pre-op diet.  I am very happy with all of the progress, and I hope to continue on this path until I meet my goals.  More later!

May God bless and keep you,

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Five Days Post-Op

Hello, all.  It's five days post-op and I'm doing allright.  I'm still pretty tired, and being awake for more than 4 or 5 hours at a time is hard.  I nap during the day, so it helps that I can do that.

Abby has had to adjust to handling mommy with care, and that's been hard for her.  Even harder is that I have to refrain from picking her up, pulling her onto my lap, etc.  I find myself reaching for her and have to stop myself.  By the time I get used to it, I'll be able to pick her up again!

So I'm feeling pretty nauseous a lot of the time.  It's hard to live on liquids only but with a queasy stomach, it's not as hard as it could be.  I hate feeling this way and hope it passes soon.  I'm trying to drink more so that I don't become dehydrated, and hopefully after my appointment tomorrow I'll be able to add some more foods to my diet.  We will see what Dr. Dalall says tomorrow.

I have lost a total of 16.8 pounds and now weigh 313.4 pounds.  That's pretty exciting, but not really surprising, considering that I am only ingesting fluids.  Hopefully I continue to lose once I start eating real food in 3 weeks (!!) 

More tomorrow after my follow-up appointment.  Until then...

May God Bless and Keep you all,

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day Two Post-Op

Day two has passed rather quietly. I enjoyed my chicken broth for breakfast wit some beef broth for lunch and dinner. I very much enjoyed my lunch with my husband and especially the cup of tea afterward. I'm very sore, and my throat hurts because of the intubation, but overall, I'm not doing badly. My Abby has been by my side most of the time when she's home, taking care of mama. Sweetest girl in the world!

I am making sure I do my breathing exercises and walking around to prevent blood clots, so I am working on following my doctor's orders and doing what I should. I am off for now. We are going to enjoy some tv and relaxation. Have I mentioned how fantastic my husband is? If not, consider it mentioned!

God Bless and Keep you all,

Thursday, April 7, 2011

That was Just the Beginning

Well, I am home from the hospital. Surgery went well, and I am just hanging out with my pain meds. Just wanted to check in for now. More tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Day Before

Hello, out there!  I just got off of the phone with the nurse, and have my surgery schedule information.  I will need to arrive at the hospital at 6:00 a.m.  I am both excited and dreading tomorrow.  I just wish that they could Genie it in, and I wouldn't have to have surgery. 

I know, I know.  I keep saying that. 

SO...  I have lost more weight.  My last weigh-in was 321, which is 9 lbs. lost altogether in the last two weeks.  Not bad.  I do know that I could NOT stay on a protein-shake veggie diet of 800 calories a day for much longer without going insane.  I know I have a week of liquid dieting ahead of me, and then a week of more liquid dieting after that, but I think I can handle it - let's face it, I have to handle it!

OK.  Once more, I ask you all for your prayers and support as I go into the surgery.  Thanks for stopping by.  My next post will probably be post-op, so wish me luck, and say a prayer!

God Bless and Keep you all,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

OK - I've been remiss, I KNOW!

Hello, everyone...  I know, it's been a while.  I'm preparing for surgery in two days (GASP) and I have mixed feelings.  I am excited at the possibilities that surgery will afford me, and I am TERRIFIED of the actual surgery itself.  I am alternately crying and happy.  I just worry that something will happen during surgery and I won't be here for my Abby afterward.  It scares me a great deal.  Please, pray for me.  For courage, and for my doctor's success in surgery. 

Anyway, enough about that.  I also wanted to let you all know that my weight is now 322.4.  That is almost 8 pounds lost (7.8) in a bit under a week.  Tomorrow I am on fluids only, and cannot eat after midnight.  Following surgery, my diet looks like this:

Week 1

Diet Jell-O
Light juice
Diet drinks (no carbonation)
Sugar-free Popsicles
Sugar-free Waterice
up to 48oz. of fluid/day


1 Chewable Multivitamin
1500 mg. of chewable calcium
50 mg. of Iron

Doesn't it sound YUMMY!?!?  :)  I'm psyching myself up for it now.  After I've suceeded at living on clear fluids for a week, I move on to...  MORE fluids!  I'll post my 2nd week post-op diet after surgery. 

Tomorrow I will learn what time surgery is scheduled.  I'll post more once that information is available to me.  Until then...

God bless and keep you all,